GreenDependent Institute

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3 new papers related to the ENERGISE project

Although ENERGISE project ended at the end of 2019, researchers are still active in analysing its results. At the moment, 3 new papers are available below! All of them are available open access, which means that the entire version of the papers can be read for free:

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Press release: The communities of EnergyNeighbourhoods saved enough energy to do 142,000 loads of washing

The 7th season of E.ON EnergyNeighbourhoods (altogether the 9th season of EnergyNeighbourhoods) has just ended under the organisation of GreenDependent Institute.

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Fighting climate change with changing lifestyles – Researchers and practitioners from seven European countries will explore possibilities of transforming lifestyles to support climate goals

Thursday, 27th May, 2021: A group of researchers and practitioners from seven European countries has launched the EU 1.5° Lifestyles project. Its main aim is to foster the mainstreaming of lifestyles in accordance with the 1.5° aspirational climate target and to facilitate transformations sought by the Paris Agreement and the EU Green Deal.

To this purpose, the project develops guidance for policy makers, intermediary actors and individuals based on scientific evidence on how lifestyle choices affect carbon footprint, and how political, economic and social contexts enable or constrain sustainable lifestyles options.

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Nine research organisations from across Europe launch project Energy PROSPECTS // Researchers from nine European countries will explore energy citizenship across Europe

Wednesday 12th May, 2021: Today researchers from nine European countries – Ireland, Belgium, Latvia, Hungary, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Spain and Bulgaria start a three-year project EnergyPROSPECTS to explore the various and challenging aspects of energy citizenship across Europe. The partners will work with citizens communities, businesses and decision-makers to explore ways of involving citizens in the clean-energy transition. The project consortium has received competitive European research funding in the Horizon 2020 programme. The research team from GreenDependent Institute is proud to be a part of the project EnergyPROSPECTS and as such contribute to the transition to clean-energy.

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Earth Day is coming - let's plant a tree with Tree Circles!

The Tree Circles initiative was founded jointly by the Schumacher Institute (UK), Social Change and Development (SCAD, India) and GreenDependent Institute (Hungary). The main objective of the cooperation is to strengthen and make more popular tree planting activities for environmental, social, educational and community building purposes.

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First National Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference on Climate Change on 12-15 April 2021 (online)

The conference will be held under the auspices of the newly established   Scientific Panel on Climate Change (HuPCC), modelled on the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), with a view to laying the groundwork for the writing of the First National Climate Change Assessment Report. The main thematic areas of the conference are the content adopted at the Content Determination Conference of the First National Climate Change Assessment Report held in Szeged on 28-29 May 2019 (see Annex 1), which attempts to cover the entire area of climate change in 10 topics.

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New publication on ENERGISE! - Challenging social norms to recraft practices: A Living Lab approach to reducing household energy use in eight European countries

A new publication on the 3-year resarch project, ENERGISE is available HERE. Free access!

Abstract of the publication:

"ENERGISE is the first large-scale European effort to reduce household energy use through a change initiative that adopted a ‘living lab’ approach informed by social practice theory. Two challenges were introduced to 306 households in eight countries: to lower indoor temperatures and to reduce laundry cycles. This contribution demonstrates the usefulness of a practice-centered design that takes habits and routines as an entry point for understanding how different ‘elements of practices’ can be re-crafted. We discuss how a participatory ‘living lab’ approach that explicitly encouraged deliberation and reflexivity served to sharpen attention on practices as central to change. We discuss how ‘doing laundry’ and ‘keeping warm’, as very different types of practices, responded to the change initiative.

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