GreenDependent Institute

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Spring 2020: A record amount of fruit trees planted within the history of GreenDependent in the framework of the TreeDependent programme

The story of TreeDependent started 10 years ago when the GreenDependent team first planted trees to partly compensate for the carbon footprint of our monthly event, the Gödöllő Climate Club. In the following years, GreenDependent got more and more into tree planting, at the beginning to take responsibility for and compensate the carbon footprint of its own events and training programmes. It was in 2015 that we first planted trees and calculated the carbon emissions related to an event organised not by GreenDependent: a Climate KIC organised event on carbon footprint. Since then every year we work together with an increasing number of organizations, companies and individuals to calculate the carbon emissions of their activities and help take responsibility for it through planting native fruit trees.

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Planting trees instread of letting up luftballoons at a graduation ceremony

The class 12.c. of a secondary school in Budapest will plant trees to celebrate their graduation instead of letting up balloons. In the scope of our programme 'TreeDependent - Responsible events, responsible travel' we will plant trees tigether with these students in school orchards in the Budapest disctrict where their school is situated.

The class decided to choose the option of planting trees because they wanted to stop the harmful practice of letting up balloons that can be dangerous to animals and creates waste.

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Environmentalists must set an example

More and more companies and indiviuals have been contacted us, GreenDependent to assist them in canculating and compensating the carbon footprint of their events or travel. Agnes Zolyomi, manager of a Horizon 2020 project decided to compensate her monthly flights between London-Budapest taken in 2019 as well as a flight between China-Hungary. As she has been working in the field of environmental protection for 15 years, she is well aware of the adverse impacts of flying, namely the carbon emissions of her flights. Thus, she decided to take responsibility for her travel-related emissions of flights taken in 2019.

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Calculation of lifestyle carbon footprints in Piliscsaba

GreenDependent Institution in cooperation with Piliscsaba-Garancstető Association will calculate yearly carbon footprints of several households during 2020. GreenDependent also will donate 20 native fruit trees within the framework of the project. This collaboration will be financially supported of Daikin.

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An open-air pub in Budapest compensates its operation carbon footprint by planting 3500 native fruit trees

Kobuci Kert (Kobuci garden), a popular Hungarian outdoor pub in Budapest decided to undertake a radical and novel commitment: they will be the first club in Budapest to compensate the carbon footprint of their operation.

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We are slowly approaching half of this year's EnergyNeighbourhoods program

E.ON EnergyNeighbourhoods program – started for the sixth time this September with the collaboration of the GreenDependent Institute and E.ON - has almost reached the halfway point, so GreenDependent kept the third coordinator training event at 15th of February.

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