GreenDependent Institute

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How to change energy use at workplace?

The brochure was drawn up with support of the EU's H2020 Framework Programme in 2017. The document summarizes the main steps and outcome of the save@work project in an informative way.

The project has been looking at how one can reduce energy consumption in the office by encouraging staff to make small changes to their everyday workplace behaviours, meaning that it focused on energy efficiency to be achieved by behaviour change. The brochure introduces the main achievements of the participating countries, shares the main figures of the winning buildings in each country. Moreover, it summarizes the big ideas revealed in each country. Finally, it summarizes the final award ceremony held in Brussels at the end of the project

The document is available HERE.

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Even COVID could not stop tree planting in autumn 2020: as much as 2245 fruit trees are planted in the scope of the TreeDependent programme

The story of TreeDependent started 10 years ago when the GreenDependent team first planted trees to partly compensate for the carbon footprint of our monthly event, the Gödöllő Climate Club. In the following years, GreenDependent got more and more into tree planting, at the beginning to take responsibility for and compensate the carbon footprint of its own events and training programmes. It was in 2015 that we first planted trees and calculated the carbon emissions related to an event organised not by GreenDependent: a Climate KIC organised event on carbon footprint. Since then every year we work together with an increasing number of organizations, companies and individuals to calculate the carbon emissions of their activities and help take responsibility for it through planting native fruit trees.

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EnergyNeighbourhoods shows that households can be green even in quarantine

On September 26, GreenDependent Institute held the closing award ceremony of the sixth season of the E.ON Energy Neighbourhoods competition, which was postponed from June. The organizers awarded those who had saved the most energy, and those who been most creative during the six-month competition, as well as the volunteer coordinators of the communities.

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How climate-friendly is our day-to-day life? Calculating carbon footprints of households from Piliscsaba

Calculating the carbon footprint is the first step in raising awareness that lifestyle change can reduce the environmental impact of families. Making reductions is inevitable, because the average carbon footprint of Hungarians is significantly higher than the sustainable level.

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Get prepared for the Hungarian Compete4SECAP Conference

The Hungarian National Conference and Final Award Ceremony will be held “off-line” on 14 October 2020 at 10:00 am at Európa Pont in Budapest. The conference is entitled “Local Authorities for sustainable energy management” and will be opened by Lajos Kovács, President of the Associations of Climate Friendly Municipalities in Hungary. Following the opening speech a round table discussion will reveal briefly the experience of the four local authorities participating in the COMPETE4SECAP project.

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Delayed Earth Overshoot Day points to opportunities to build future in harmony with our finite planet

By August 22, humanity will have demanded as much from nature as Earth can renew in the whole year, according to Global Footprint Network. Coronavirus-induced lockdowns caused the global Ecological Footprint to contract almost 10% but we still use as many ecological resources as if we lived on 1.6 Earths. As public health and economic recovery have emerged as dominant concerns globally, decision makers are called to act on the unprecedented current disruption to build a future where all thrive within the means of our planet (“one-planet prosperity”).

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Earth Overshoot Day 3 weeks later this year!

This year, we have some good news to share: for the first time in quite some time the Earth Overshoot Day falls more than 3 weeks later, on 22 August, than last year (29 July)!

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Despite the coronavirus, households have become more green

GreenDependent Institute organized its energy-saving competition, E.ON EnergyNeighbourhoods, for the eighth time (for the sixth year with the support of E.ON). The half-year long “household greening” program was also affected by the epidemic caused by the coronavirus, as the participating families, unlike before, were stuck in their homes almost all day, which made saving energy more difficult.

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Spring 2020: A record amount of fruit trees planted within the history of GreenDependent in the framework of the TreeDependent programme

The story of TreeDependent started 10 years ago when the GreenDependent team first planted trees to partly compensate for the carbon footprint of our monthly event, the Gödöllő Climate Club. In the following years, GreenDependent got more and more into tree planting, at the beginning to take responsibility for and compensate the carbon footprint of its own events and training programmes. It was in 2015 that we first planted trees and calculated the carbon emissions related to an event organised not by GreenDependent: a Climate KIC organised event on carbon footprint. Since then every year we work together with an increasing number of organizations, companies and individuals to calculate the carbon emissions of their activities and help take responsibility for it through planting native fruit trees.

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Planting trees instread of letting up luftballoons at a graduation ceremony

The class 12.c. of a secondary school in Budapest will plant trees to celebrate their graduation instead of letting up balloons. In the scope of our programme 'TreeDependent - Responsible events, responsible travel' we will plant trees tigether with these students in school orchards in the Budapest disctrict where their school is situated.

The class decided to choose the option of planting trees because they wanted to stop the harmful practice of letting up balloons that can be dangerous to animals and creates waste.

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