The EnergyPROSPECTS Factsheet Series was developed to present the outcomes of mapping energy citizenship in Europe, offering insights drawn from the data analysis. The EnergyPROSPECTS consortium mapped 596 cases of energy citizenship (ENCI), gathering comprehensive data on many aspects of the cases. We believe the analysis contributes to the understanding of energy citizenship in Europe.
Part 1:Introduction and Methodology
Part 2:Motivation and objectives
Part 3:Actors and organisations
Part 5:Aspects of ENCI I.: Hybridity, private/public, passive/active forms
Part 6:Aspects of ENCI II.: Frontrunners and late adopters, pragmatic and transformative ENCI
Part 7:Aspects of ENCI III.: Towards social sustainability
Part 8: Aspects of ENCI IV.: Towards environmental sustainability
Part 9: Aspects of ENCI V.: Contesting the current system