GreenDependent Institute

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We have launched one of our new H2020 research projects EnergyPROSPECTS in May 2021.

Flyers in English and Hungarian describing the project in 9 European countries and its objectives are now available!

More detailed information about the project can be found on the English website.



Related news:

Reports and outputs:

24.04.2024. Enhancing Energy Citizenship through Business and Social Innovation Models - PDF icon Policy Brief No. 2.

24.04.2024. Empowering Collective Energy Citizenship for a Sustainable and Democratic European Energy Transition - PDF icon Policy Brief No. 1.

13.03.2023. Research report on Energy Citizenship in Hungary

26.09.2022 The EnergyPROSPECTS project team has mapped 596 cases of energy citizenship in Europe.

25.08.2022 In our "Healthy forests, sufficient energy" article series we presented Hungarian energy citizenship cases collected in the EnergyPROSPECTS project to inspire decision-makers, communities and show them how the needs of those living in energy and/or housing poverty can be met in a more sustainable, greener way and have healthy forests and sufficient energy for everyone.

23.05.2022 Regional workshops: "Translating energy citizenship" - Synthesis brief No.3.

In the second brief, we introduced ten tentative types of citizen involvement in the energy transition. Check it out HERE!

14.03.2022 EnergyPROSPECTS conceptual framework - Synthesis brief No.2.

27.12.2021 The EnergyPROSPECTS project explores the role of European citizens in the clean energy transition - Synthesis brief No.1.

News, newsletters:

02.05.2024 Small Footprint newsletter special edition is out.

07.11.2022 The 3rd Newsletter of the EnergyPROSPECTS project is out.

18.07.2022 The 2nd EnergyPROSPECTS newsletter is published.


2022.09.26. EnergyPROSPECTS international expert workshop in Brussels

11.02.2022 An expert workshop on energy citizenship in Hungary was held in February 2022. Read more about the workshop and its results on the project blog HERE.