Employees of public buildings participating in the competition received Energy Saving Tips by-weekly during the campaign. Each tip provided useful information about energy consumption practices (e.g. heating, water, electricity, etc.) in the office.
- Green team building , initial energy check, action plan, etc
- Electricity use - general guidelines and principles
- Computers, laptops, monitors
- Lighting - general guidelines
- Printing and copying
- Other electric office equipment
- Out of office (holidays)
- "Cool rooms": Cooling and air conditioning
- Do a night walk to detect unnecessary energy consumption
- Office environment (park, garden, greenery)
- Water use – kitchen, toilets, bathroom
- Travelling to work / elevators
- Heating - general guidelines, maintenance
- All kinds of office supplies (incl. Paper)
- Furniture and Plants
- Heating - what else can you do?
- Lighting - what else can you do?
- Holiday season, Green celebrations
- Green charity/volunteering
- Ventilation and air quality
- Kitchen, food and drinks (for office employees)
- Being @ meetings: energy consumption of your workstation
- Organizing and Catering green events - meetings, workshops, public participation events, cultural events, etc.
- Next steps after save@work
The European Brochure of the s@w project is available HERE.
The Strategic Handbook for Energy Teams is available HERE.
For more information in English please visit: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/649660
The Hungarian website of the project: https://sporolunk.org/
If you want to learn more about the programme in Hungary, please write to: info[@]greendependent.org
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