GreenDependent Institute

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Calculation of lifestyle carbon footprints in Piliscsaba

GreenDependent Institution in cooperation with Piliscsaba-Garancstető Association will calculate yearly carbon footprints of several households during 2020. GreenDependent also will donate 20 native fruit trees within the framework of the project. This collaboration will be financially supported of Daikin.

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An open-air pub in Budapest compensates its operation carbon footprint by planting 3500 native fruit trees

Kobuci Kert (Kobuci garden), a popular Hungarian outdoor pub in Budapest decided to undertake a radical and novel commitment: they will be the first club in Budapest to compensate the carbon footprint of their operation.

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We are slowly approaching half of this year's EnergyNeighbourhoods program

E.ON EnergyNeighbourhoods program – started for the sixth time this September with the collaboration of the GreenDependent Institute and E.ON - has almost reached the halfway point, so GreenDependent kept the third coordinator training event at 15th of February.

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Sustainable Lifestyles Policy and Practice: Challenges and Way Forward (including 32 case studies)

Sustainable Lifestyles Policy and Practice: Challenges and Way Forward provides an overview of the current (2019) situation for sustainable lifestyles globally.  It includes 32 case studies from around the world, showing on-going efforts to support the transition to sustainable ways of living. Edina Vadovics, the Scientific Director of GreenDependent Institute also participated in editing and writing this document, which aims to introduce the various implementation methods of low-carbon lifestyles all around the world.

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Project outcomes and future plans: Hungarian expert workshop about the ENERGISE project

GreenDependent Institute (GDI) held a workshop titled 'The human factor in energy consumption and climate change: Why do we use so much and how do we change it?' on 26th November to disseminate the results of ENERGISE for the Hungarian experts and discuss outcomes and their future application in Hungary with them.

Experts from the energy sector, national and municipal level decision-makers, members of NGOs and other stakeholders attended the workshop. Edina Vadovics (GDI) and Kristof Vadovics (GDI) shared information about the experiences of ENERGISE Living Labs as well as the ENERGISE database.

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ENERGISE final video

A short, subtitled video is available about the entire ENERGISE project, introducing the three-year long programme aiming at promoting energy reduction in households in the 8 participating countries.

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The next season just started – we are already over the first training event

The sixth season of E.ON EnergyNeighbourhoods (which is actually the eighth season of the program, the first two seasons were part of a bigger international cooperative project under the EU) has just started in September.

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Press release: Involving everyday people in energy change

What role for everyday people in the climate crisis? ENERGISE Living Labs achieve energy reductions by challenging social norms in the home

In response to the increasingly urgent climate crisis, the European Commission is promoting several climate and energy targets with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonising the economy. However, the current pace and scale of change is insufficient to achieve the necessary sustainability transitions in energy systems. Increasingly, households are seen as playing a role in energy transitions – which implies challenging social norms and habits around energy usage in the home.

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The ENERGISE Living Lab report about Hungary is available now!

A detailed report was made about the results and outcome of the ENERGISE project. During the project, the potential of reducing energy consumption of households was investigated in the scope of so-called 'living laboratories' or 'living labs'. 41 households from the town of Gödöllő (Hungary) participated in the project, half of them individually, while the other half in a community form. During the ENERGISE Living Labs, participants were asked to meet two challenges for one month, respectively; (1) to reduce the number of washing cycles, (2) to reduce the daily indoor temperature of their homes. During the challenges, households were asked to fill in diaries as well as questionnaries about their results, experiences and difficulties. Following the challenges, GreenDependent analysed data, and the outcome of the Living Labs was shared at a closing event in the spring 2019.

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