The sixth season of E.ON EnergyNeighbourhoods (which is actually the eighth season of the program, the first two seasons were part of a bigger international cooperative project under the EU) has just started in September.
This year, we decided to hold two preparatory training sessions for the volunteer climate coordinators who have led the participating communities (the EnergyNeighbourhoods). The first one was on September 5th, where the main topic was: how to organize communities, what can motivate people, and why all this is important from the perspective of the climate change. The second meeting is going to be on November 9th, where the participants will get to know about some energy saving practices and the usage of the energy saving calculator.
This year, as usual, the coordinators have come from several parts of the country, there have been newcomers and veterans too. But unlike before, much more “coordinator candidates” applied this year – to our greatest pleasure.
It seems questions and fears about climate change are gaining more and more ground in the media and in society, so the EnergyNeighbourhood competion is more relevant than ever.
If you would like to know more about the energy saving competition, check the main page of the program or watch our video about the last closing award ceremony.