In total, we have contributed to the planting of more than 10 000 trees since the beginning of the TreeDependent programme! This autumn, we have organised the planting of around 1 000 indigenous fruit trees in the TreeDependent programme. With this, we crossed the magical 10 000 mark: over the years, we have contributed to the planting of so many fruit trees all over the country and even beyond the borders of Hungary.
We brought the trees again this year from the Tündérkert (Fairy Garden) in Pórszombat, from the fruit farm of Prima Primissima awarded Gyula Kovács. Our corporate partners partly undertook the planting (involving their employees), and partly we delivered them to educational, social and church institutions participating in the programme. This year, a total of 26 tree hosting institutions participated in our project, from all over the country.
This year the trees were financed by our 3 corporate partners, SPAR Hungary Ltd., Szentkirályi Ltd. and Merkbau Inc. to compensate for their carbon-aware events. In addition, and in order to compensate for our own office operations, we offered 100 trees to the Igazgyöngy Alapítvány (Real Pearl Foundation), continuing our previous cooperation and contribute to increasing food-sufficiency in a disadvantaged region in Hungary.
Learn more about TreeDependent project here.
Anyone can join the programme if, for example, they want to reduce, calculate and take responsibility for the carbon footprint of their lifestyle, (overseas) travel or organisational event.