GreenDependent Institute

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Planting of 500 native fruit trees to offset carbon footprint

GreenDependent Association (GDA), the sister organisation of GreenDependent Institute has been planting native fruit trees for 10 years to offset carbon footprint of events, including the events of GreenDependent Institute (e.g. trainings, opening and closing events, workshops) and the events of other organisations and companies as well.

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EnergyNeighbourhoods programme - halftime

The 7th season of EnergyNeighbourhoods program started in September 2018. 21 teams entered the programme, and out of these 15 are still in the competition. They are from all over Hungary as shown in the map.


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Green and sustainable practices at GreenDependent

As the mission of GreenDependent Institute is to “research, develop and disseminate sustainable lifestyles and consumption patterns”, we also place special emphasis on „greening” our private and office lives. We aim at putting sustainable and climate-friendly principles into our everyday practice in the office environment.

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E.ON EnergyNeighbourhoods: trainings for climate coordinators successfully completed

The latest IPCC report issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on 8 October 2018 has generated hot debates and conversations worldwide. Along with other green organisations, GreenDependent Institute also joined the issue of a Hungarian press release about the report. The IPCC special report found that ’it is our global interest to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels as adopted in the Paris Agreement. As temperature has risen 1°C already, we need to act immediately. If global emissions of greenhouse gases continue to rise in the actual scale, we will pass the threshold of 1.5°C within two decades’. According to the United Nations, consequences of climate change will be irreversible and catastrophic unless effective actions are taken within the next 12 years.

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Press release: ENERGISE Living Labs launching in 8 European countries to co-design effective ways for reducing household energy use

In response to the increasingly urgent climate change challenge, the European Commission is promoting several climate and energy targets with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonising the economy. However, the current pace and scale of change is insufficient to achieve the necessary sustainability transitions in energy systems; there is an increasing realisation that meeting energy targets is highly dependent on several complex aspects of final energy consumption patterns or energy demand. Increasingly, households are seen as playing a role in energy transitions – which implies challenging social norms and habits around energy usage in the home.

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Fresh publications

In July 2018 we have published three atricles in different media. All three deals with different issues: the scientific background of awareness raising and behaviour change, the plastic problematics and energy management.

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We are supporting the Ecological Overshoot Day campaign

Like last year, GreenDependent Institute is supporting its sister organization, GreenDependent Association in the implementation of the Ecological Overshoot Day campaign in Hungary.

This year Earth Overshoot Day falls on 1 August, earlier than ever. 

To find out more about the campaign, in Hungarian, please visit the homepage of the Association, or follow the campaign posts on the @Kislabnyom - Small Footprint social media page.

To learn more about the campaign, in English, please visit the website of Global Footprint Network.


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International ENERGISE team launches new online interactive dataset which maps over 1000 sustainable energy initiatives across Europe!

In response to the increasingly urgent climate change challenge, the European Commission is promoting several climate and energy targets with the goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonise the economy. However, the current pace and scale of change is insufficient to achieve the necessary sustainability transitions in the energy system; there is an increasing realisation that meeting energy targets is highly dependent on several complex aspects of final energy consumption patterns or energy demand.

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Envisioning sustainable lifestlyes - searching for projects and initiatives

GreenDependent participates as an advisor in one of the projects (Envisioning Future Low-Carbon Lifestylesof UNEP's 10 year framework programme on „Sustainable Lifestyles and Education”. In this project we are looking for sustainable lifestyle projects and intiatiatives from around the world and are asking implementers to please fill in a questionnaire about their projects.

What is the questionnaire looking for?

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Compete4SECAP national kick-off meeting

The national kick-off meeting of the Compete4SECAP project was held in Hungary on 28 March 2018.

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We are members of the following organisations:




EU 1.5° Lifestyles:
