Welcome to the CONVERGE Project’s sustainability assessment tool guidebook, or, in other words, welcome to Convergence Mapping. The guidebook has been designed to assist leaders and members of organizations/initiatives/projects/policies who are seeking ways to improve their performance in social or environmental sustainability or in both of these fields.
The output of the assessment process is a graphical ‘snapshot’ in the form of a map. This indicates the emphasis of the activity under discussion at the time of study in terms of ‘Planetary Limits’ (representing on one axis the environmental aspects of the activity) and ‘Equity’ on the other (essentially representing the social sustainability component).
The assessment process as well as the output (the map itself) provide a valuable opportunity for stakeholders of the activity which is being assessed to comment on, analyse, publicise and ultimately develop their social and environmental performance with the goal of bringing their activities into harmony with the principles described by the CONVERGE project – “equity within planetary limits”.
Here, you can download our guide: Equity within Planetary Limits: where do you stand?
In case you decide to go ahead with such an evaluation, we would be happy to hear about your experience and feedback, so please write to us!
Also, we are happy to assist you in your Convergence efforts, so feel free to get in touch with us.