In the CONVERGE project GreenDependent was responsible for finding and collecting information on examples of 'Contraction and Convergence®'*, or, in other words, initiatives that work towards both Equity (social sustainability) and Limits (environmental sustainability) from around the world. We studied 28 initiatives in detail, which are all introduced in the e-book entitled "Equity within Limits: Theory and Practice".
To be able to present and discuss these initiatives more easily at events, we prepared posters on 9 of them. These can be viewed by clicking on the name of the initiative below:
- The Bokor Movement
- Climate-Friendly Wekerle
- Gödöllő Climate Club
- Greenways
- Pilisi KoronaKör
- SCAD (India)
- Tatabánya Climate Ticket
- Hungarian Parliamentary Commissioner for Future Generations
- The Converging World (UK)
* Contraction and Convergence® (C&C) is the science-based, global climate policy framework proposed to the UN since 1990 by the Global Commons Institute (GCI): Global Commons Institute 2000, ‘GCI briefing: contraction and convergence’, available at originally published as Meyer, A. 2000, Engineering Sustainability 157(4): 189–92.
You can read more about the background theory in the Background Paper we wrote for the Equity within Limits e-book.