GreenDependent Institute

  • Magyar
  • English

Publications, press

References and experience of the members / collegues of GreenDependent

Books and e-Books
Book chapters
Contributing author
Research Reports and Studies
External expert review
Scientific articles and series of articles
Creating database on environment friendly products and services


Books and e-Books:

Book chapters:

  • Vadovics, E. and Hayes, M. (2010) „Open Garden – a local organic producer­­-consumer network in Hungary. System innovation on a number of levels.”. In: Tischner, U., Stø, E., Kjærnes, U. and Tukker, A. (ed.): System Innovation for Sustainability III. Case Studies in Sustainable Consumption and Production – Food and Agriculture. Greenleaf Publishing, UK. Chpt. 8.
  • Vadovics, E. (2008) “Emerging sustainable consumption patterns in Central Eastern Europe, with specific focus on Hungary.” In: Tukker, A. et. al. (ed.): System Innovation for Sustainability I. Perspectives on Radical Changes to Sustainable Production and Consumption. Greenleaf Publishing, UK. Chpt. 17.
  • Vadovics, E., Mnatsakanian, R. (2008) „Creative communities in Central Eastern Europe” In: Jégou, F, Manzini, E. (ed.) Collaborative services. Social innovation and design for sustainability. Edizioni, Milan, Italy
  • Vadovics, E. (2007) Emerging creative and sustainable solutions in Central Eastern Europe, In: Meroni, A. (ed.) (2007) Creative Communities in Europe. People inventing sustainable ways of living. Edizioni, Milan, Italy

Contributing author (Vadovics, E.):

Research Reports and Studies:

  • Vadovics, E., Simon, M., and the CONVERGE Project Team (2010) Draft Methodology for Case Study (Initiatives) Collection.  CONVERGE Deliverable 31.  GreenDependent Sustainable Solutions Association, Hungary
  • Hodson, M., Marvin, S. with contributions from Heiskanen, E., Bauknecht, D., Breukers, S., Barabanova, Y., Brohmann, B., Bürger, V., Feenstra, C.F.J., Jalas, M., Korhonen, L., Maier, P., Meinel, H., Mourik, R.M., Pariag, J., Rask, M., Rinne, S., Robinson, S., Saastamoinen, M., Salminen, J., Valuntiené, I., Vadovics, E. (2010) Conceptualizing and understanding intermediaries in context: Developing an enhanced understanding of context, actors and transferability. Deliverable 7 of the Changing Behaviour project. Available from
  • Mourik, R.M., Breukers, S., Heiskanen, E., Bauknecht, D. Hodson, M., Barabanova, Y., Brohmann, B., Bürger, V., Feenstra, C.F.J., Jalas, M.,, Johnson, M., Maier, P., Meinel, H., Pariag, J., Rask, M., Rinne, S., Robinson, S., Saastamoinen, M., Salminen, J., Valuntiené, I., Vadovics, E. (2010) Conceptual framework and model: Synthesis report tailored for policy makers as target group. A practical and conceptual framework of intermediary demand-side practice. Deliverable 6 of the Changing Behaviour project. Available from
  • Vadovics, E. (2009) Carbonarium, Hungary, Case study for WP2 (Analysis of success factors, underlying models and methods of target group interaction) of the EC FP7 project CHANGING BEHAVIOUR (contract 213217), Available online at: -> Project outputs / Case studies
  • Vadovics, E.  (2009) Climate Watch, Hungary, Case study for WP2 (Analysis of success factors, underlying models and methods of target group interaction) of the EC FP7 project CHANGING BEHAVIOUR (contract 213217), Available online at: -> Project outputs / Case studies
  • Mourik, R.M., Heiskanen, E., Anttonen, M., Backhaus, J., Barabanova, Y., Bauknecht, D., Bern, R.M., Breukers, S., Brohmann, B., Bürger, V., Feenstra, C.F.J., Hodson, M., Jalas, M., Johnson, M., Kallaste, T., Kamenders, A., Liang, V., Malamatenios, C., Maier, P., Marvin, S., Meinel, H., Papandreou, V., Pariag, J., Rask, M., Rinne, S., Robinson, S., Saastamoinen, M., Salminnen, J., Valuntiené, I., Vadovics, E. (2009) Past 10 year of best and bad practices in demand management: a meta analysis of 27 case studies focusing on conditions explaining success and failure of demand-side management programmes. Deliverable 4 of the Changing Behaviour project. Available from
  • Breukers, S., Heiskanen, E., Mourik, R.M., Bauknecht, D, Hodson, M., Barabanove, Y., Brohmann, B., Bürger, V., Feenstra, C.F.J., Jalas, M., Johnson, M., Maier, P., Marvin, S., Meinel, H., Pariag, J., Rask, M., Rinne, S., Robinson, S., Saastamoinen, M., Salminen, J., Valuntiené, I., Vadovics, E. (2009) Interaction Schemes for Successful Energy Demand Side Management. Building blocks for a practicable and conceptual framework. Deliverable 5 of the Changing Behaviour project. Available from
  • Boza-Kiss B., Paolo B. és Rezessy S. (2007). Latest Development of Energy Service Companies across Europe - A European ESCO Update -. Európai Bizottság: Ispra, Olaszország. Áttenkitő tanulmány az energiahatékonyság szolgáltató vállalatok helyzetéről minden egyes európai országban.
  • Boza-Kiss B. Policies and Programmes supporting and barriers hindering the development of the ESCO industry in the EU. A japán ESCO Egyesület (JAESCO) megrendelésére.
  • Antypas, A., Borthwick, F., Máthé, L., Vadovics, E. (2006): Contestation – Comments on the EIA of the Rosia Montana Gold Mine Project. Central European University, Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy
  • Bakacs M., Vitrai J., Kiss B., Kaposvári Cs. (2004): A magyar egészséginformációs rendszer. Koppenhága, Dánia: Világegészségügyi Szervezet. URL:
  • Antal, O., Tóth, G.: Vadovics, E. (2003): A magyar kormány zöld közbeszerzési és környezetbarát irodai tevékenysége. Tanulmány a Környezetvédelmi és Vízügyi Minisztérium számára

External expert review:

  • For UNEP as well as the European Environmental Agency (EEA) in the field of sustainable consumption and sustainable energy use.

Scientific articles and series of articles (a few examples):

  • Boza-Kiss, B., Moles Grueso, S, and Ürge-Vorsatz, D. (2013) Evaluating policy instruments to foster energy efficiency for the sustainable transformation of buildings. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. DOI: 10.1016/j.cosust.2013.04.002 
  • Marino, A., Bertoldi, P., Rezessy, S., and Boza-Kiss, B. (2011) A snapshot of the European energy service market in 2010 and policy recommendations to foster a further market development. Energy Policy 39: 6190–6198.
  • Vadovics, E., Heiskanen, E. (2010) Understanding and enhancing the contribution of low-carbon communities to more sustainable lifestyles: the case of the Gödöllő Climate Club in Hungary. Poster presented at the ERSCP-EMSU conference in Delft, Holland, 26-29 October 2010.
  • Vadovics, E., Vadovics, K., Milton, S., and the CONVERGE Project Team (2010) Rethinking Growth in the Light of Convergence. Poster presented at the ERSCP-EMSU conference in Delft, Holland, 26-29 October 2010.
  • Heiskanen, E., Feenstra, C.F.J., Johnson, M., Vadovics, E. (2010) Learning about users and developing co-design capabilities for energy saving on the local level. Paper presented at the ERSCP-EMSU conference in Delft, Holland, 26-29 October 2010.
  • Ürge-Vorsatz, D., Novikova, A., Köppel, S. and Boza-Kiss, B. (2010) Bottom–up assessment of potentials and costs of CO2 emission mitigation in the buildings sector: insights into the missing elements. Energy Efficiency 2: 293-316.
  • Heiskanen, E., Johnson, M., Robinson, S., Vadovics, E., Saastamoinen, M. (2009) Low-carbon communities as a context for individual behavioural change. Energy Policy, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2009.07.002
  • Heiskanen, E., Johnson, M., Saastamoinen, M. and Vadovics, E. (2009) How does consumer behaviour change? Examples from the field of energy In: Future of the Consumer Society Conference Proceedings, Tampere, Finland
  • Heiskanen, E., Hodson, M., Kallaste, T., Maier, P., Marvin, S., Mourik, R., Rinne, S., Saastamoinen, M. and Vadovics, E. (2009) A rose by any other name…? New contexts and players in European energy efficiency programmes. Eceee 2009 Summer Study: Act! Innovate! Deliver! Reducing energy demand sustainably Conference Proceedings, Côte d'Azur, France
  • Heiskanen, E., Johnson, M., Saastamoinen, M. and Vadovics, E. (2009) Creating Lasting Change in Energy Use Patterns through Improved User Involvement In: Joint Actions on Climate Change Conference Proceedings, Aalborg, Denmark
  • Farsang, A. and Boza-Kiss, B. (2008) Energy-efficient lighting promotion in the residential sector in Hungary: Challenges and opportunities. In Proceedings of Conference of Sustainable Consumption and Production (Score!). March 10-11, 2008. Brussels
  • Gulyás, E., Vadovics, E. (guest editor) (2008) Sustainable Consumption in Hungary 2007. ÖKO – Ökológia, környezetgazdálkodás, társadalom, XV. 1-4.
  • Vadovics, E. and Gulyás, E. (2008) A fenntartható fogyasztás – honnan, hogyan, hová? [Sustainable consumption. Past, present, future] In: ÖKO – Ökológia, környezetgazdálkodás, társadalom, XV. 1-4.: 1-7.
  • Vadovics, E. and Hayes, M. (2008) Nyitott Kert – egy helyi bioélelmiszer-hálózat Magyarországon. Közösség által támogatott mezőgazdaság és fenntartható fogyasztás. [Open Garden – a local organic food-network in Hungary. Community supported agriculture and sustainable consumption] In: ÖKO – Ökológia, környezetgazdálkodás, társadalom, XV. 1-4.: 104-124.
  • Boza-Kiss, B., Bertoldi, P., Rezessy, S. (2007): Latest developments of the ESCO industry across Europe. ECEEE Summer Study Konferencia konferenciakötetében. 2005 június 4-9, Saint Raphaël, Franciaország.
  • Boza-Kiss, B. and Grosser, E. (2007) Energiahatékonyság szolgáltató vállalatok (ESCOk) a lakóépületek energiaigényének csökkentése érdekében Magyarországon [Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) for energy demand reduction in residential buildings in Hungary]. In Proceedings of Fenntartható Fogyasztás Konferencia [Conference on Sustainable Consumption], 18 Dec. 2007, Budapest.
  • Mont, O; Vadovics, E. and Kjørstad, I. (2007). Sustainable consumption initiatives - from niches to mainstream : Possibilities and challenges. Paper presented at the SCORE workshop 3 - Milan, November 29, 2007
  • Vadovics, E. (2007) Alulról jövő kezdeményezések („kreatív közösségek”) tanulsága és üzenete a fenntartható fogyasztást meghatározó politikák és kutatás számára. Lehetséges kisebb ökológiai lábnyommal magasabb szintű jólétet elérni? [The message of bottom-up initiatives (creative communities) for sustainable consumption policy and research. Is it possible to achieve higher levels of well-being with smaller ecological footprints?] In: Vadovics, E. és Gulyás, E. (ed.) (2007): Fenntartható Fogyasztás Magyarországon 2007. Conference Proceedings.
  • Vadovics, E., Kiss, B. (2006): Are sustainable electricity production and use possible? Sustainable Consumption and Production: Opportunities and Challenges Konferencia konferenciakötetében, 2006 november 23-25., Wuppertal, Németország.
  • Antal, O. - Vadovics, E. (2005): Irodák ökológiai lábnyoma, Lépések szaklap, 23. számVadovics, E. (2006) Bányászat és felelősségvállalás, Magyar Minőség, 2006. július
  • Vadovics, E. (2004): Megjelent az EU zöld közbeszerzési kézikönyve, Zölden és Nyereségesen hírlevél, 22.
  • Vadovics, E. (2004): Hangyák, Galilei, Gandhi és a fenntartható vállalatirányítás; Zölden és Nyereségesen Hírlevél, 2004. tél
  • Vadovics, E. (2002): ISO 14001 szerint tanúsított szervezetek Magyarországon; Tranzit, 2002. június

Creating database on environment friendly products and services:

  • Antal, O.Vadovics, E. szerk. (2005): Zöld iroda kézikönyv, KÖVET-INEM Hungária
  • NatureZone Magazin szerkesztése a Pannatural Society Kft.-vel együttműködésben







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