GreenDependent Institute

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A subtitled, short video about the Hungarian Living Labs closing event is available now

A short, subtitled video is available about the closing event of the Hungarian Living Labs in spring 2019, where the colleagues of GreenDependent presented the results of the Living Lab challenges. Moreover, experts were invited to the event to encourage participating households to take further energy saving actions.

You can read more about the programme HERE, and you can watch the video below:



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Compete4SECAP: promising mid-term results

On July 17 Hungarian C4S promoter GreenDependent Institute hold a mid-term motivation workshop for the building-level energy groups of the competing buildings.  The workshop provided a good opportunity for the evaluation of the mid-term results: during the first 6 month of 2018 buildings have saved 12% energy and 3% water on average (vs. the same period of the previous year) thus the individual campaigns seem to be successful and indeed supporting the broader efforts of the involves LAs in order to achieve a higher level energy efficiency.

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Methodological description and materials used of ENERGISE Living Labs available!

The ENERGISE project aimed at challenging energy practices in eight European countries. One crutial element of the project was the so-called 'living laboratory' or living lab methodology. This is a relatively new reseach method in which experiments are carried out under real conditions, with real households. In the scope of ENERGISE, the experiments focused on the intention of households to take challenges related to heating and laundry as well as to monitor whether they are able to meet these challenges.

A detailed description of Living Labs is available HERE, where we can follow the whole methodology step-by-step.

Documents designed for these particular living labs (surveys, diaries, inverviews, leaflets etc.) are available HERE.

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ENERGISE book launched!

An online book titled 'Energy Demand Challenges in Europe - Implications for policy, planning and practice', edited by Frances Fahy, Gary Goggins and Charlotte Jensen (2019) is available HERE. Edina Vadovics, Scientific Director of GreenDependent also wrote a chapter titled 'The Energy Challenge in Hungary: A Need for More Complex Approaches' (Chapter 8).

In the ENERGISE project, energy use practices of 300+ European households were challenged in autumn 2018 to change practices related to heating and laundry. After data collection, analysis and comparison of data is underway. Fore more information please visit

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ENERGISE Final Conference in Barcelona (15th October)

ENERGISE is an innovative pan-European research initiative to achieve a greater scientific understanding of the social and cultural influences on energy consumption. In the scope of the project 300+ households from 8 countries participated in so-called Living Labs to reduce the number of their washing cycles and indoor temperature. GreenDependent Institute participated in the programme as a project partner, and worked with 41 Hungarian households during the Living Labs.

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Households have been fighting against climate change for five years now

The fifth season of the E.ON EnergyNeighbourhoods program has just ended, the GreenDependent Institute held the closing award ceremony on the 25th of May. We celebrated the participants of this season, also the 5th anniversary of the program. We gave thanks to our partners from E.ON and the most enthusiastic coordinators who led their team at least for three seasons.

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5th issue of the ENERGISE Newsletter is available!

In recent months, ENERGISE team has been busy with concluding the implementation of the ENERGISE Living Labs (ELLs), and progressing with the analysis both at the country and cross-country levels. For the interest of those wishing to study or set up living labs, all the ENERGISE Living Lab materials have been made available.
The final ENERGISE event will be held in Barcelona on 15th October. Attendance is free and you everybody is welcome to register. The draft programme of the event is also available.

The newsletter is available HERE.

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Energy saving lifestyle experiment ends with success

In response to the increasingly urgent climate change challenge, several climate and energy targets are promoted with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonising the economy. However, the current pace and scale of change is insufficient to achieve the necessary sustainability transitions in energy systems; there is an increasing realisation that meeting energy targets is highly dependent on several complex aspects of final energy consumption patterns or energy demand. As households are responsible for one third of final energy use, they are seen as playing a role in energy transitions - which implies challenging social norms and habits around energy usage in the home.

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Video clip about the ENERISE Living Lab closing event

Here you can find a video clip about the ENERISE Living Lab closing event.

At the event, GreenDependent presented results of the energy saving efforts related to the ENERGISE Living Labs, particularly in terms of the heating and laundry challenges households had taken. Furthermore, presenters invited to the event shared a lot of information about energy efficiency of homes, renewable energy and community energy.

If you wish to learn more about the programme, click HERE.

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Closing event of the ENERGISE Living Labs

The final event of the ENERGISE Living Labs was held on the 6th of April in Gödöllő (Hungary), organised by GreenDependent Institute. The great majority of 41 households participating in the laundry and heating challenges came to the event with their families, therefore more than 100 people celebrated together the successful closure of Living Labs.

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